The enigma of the abandoned station

In the small town of Valverde, nestled between winding hills and sleepy olive groves, the old train station lay like a giant of iron and stone forgotten by progress. Between its venerable walls, which guarded countless secrets, two figures slipped furtively: Laura and Javier, eager to unearth the veiled history that the abandoned station had jealously guarded for decades.

Laura, with her passion for the arcane and her photographic eye, was noted for the sparks of wit that flowed from her deductions; while Javier, a historian with a gift for weaving conjectures from threads of fact, sported an unkempt beard and eyes that sparkled with curiosity at the slightest hint of ancient enigmas. Together, they possessed the nerve and tenacity to solve any mystery that crossed their path.

The first time they crossed the threshold of the station, a breath of cold air welcomed them. It was as if the old building were exhaling a long-held sigh, foreshadowing the revelation of its mysteries. “There is more here than dust and old memories,” murmured Laura with a look of intuition as she ran her fingers along the old wooden lockers.

The initial discovery

“Look at this, Javier,” Laura said, pointing to a set of strange marks on the floor near the platform. They were oddly regular scratches as if something heavy had dragged itself into a crack in the walls. Curious, Javier crouched closer, and the light from his flashlight revealed a metallic reflection sticking out from the slot. “It’s a plaque. Someone put it there, it’s anachronistic with the station. We should examine it more closely.”

With extreme caution, they removed the object, which turned out to be an identification plate, unusually well preserved. On it, a raised inscription showed a series of numbers and letters that neither of them could decipher at the time. It was then that they picked up the subtle sound, like a barely audible cooing, a murmur that seemed to come from the depths of the station.

Events began to unfold with unusual speed. Yellowed notes began to appear in unexpected corners, one after another, shedding pale light on events that had taken place, but not on their connection. “Something happened here that someone has tried to hide,” Javier said, bringing a hand to his jaw in a thoughtful gesture.

The plot thickens

The papers contained references to a project called “Operation Extinction” and referred to dates just before the station’s final closure. As night fell, as they delved deeper into the heart of the construction, a sense of vertigo came over them; they were in the grip of a story bigger than they had imagined, immersed in a web of silences and shadows.

“Do you think someone might be following us?” Laura asked in a small voice, noticing how every sound grew louder and every shadow grew thicker in the darkness. “We might not be alone,” Javier admitted, gesturing for her to turn off her flashlight. In the darkness, they felt the old station throb as if it housed a mysterious, beating heart.

The silence became absolute, and then they heard the echo of approaching footsteps. Instinctively, they hid behind a worn wall, holding their breath, as the footsteps became clearer. With an unexpected turn, a figure emerged from the darkness, adorned in clothes that seemed to be from another era. “Good evening, hunters of secrets,” he greeted with a hoarse and serene voice.

Unexpected Encounters

The man introduced himself as Mateo, a vagabond who had found refuge in the inner workings of the station and had become its unofficial guardian. His eyes, although marked by age and experience, exuded a lucidity that defied time. He offered to share with Laura and Javier the story he had collected, the fruit of years of listening to the echoes of the past that still vibrated in the walls of the place.

Mateo told them how the station had been a focal point during a turbulent time, a dark phase in which certain interests moved in the shadows to rewrite destiny. Scientific projects, experiments forgotten by humanity, but which had left indelible marks on the fabric of time.

“The project that those papers mention, ‘Operation Extinction,’ is just the tip of the iceberg,” Mateo said, lighting a candle and projecting dancing shadows that seemed to come to life around them. “It wasn’t a metaphor, nor a military operation… it was literal. Here they tried to recreate the most distant past of the Earth.”


Laura and Javier’s eyes widened in shock as they realized the magnitude of Mateo’s words. “Are you talking about…?” Laura began, but Mateo’s voice interrupted her, infusing a tone of urgency. “Yes, dinosaur clones or at least that was the ambition of some deranged enthusiasts.”

The air seemed to vibrate with revelation. Every object, every whisper of wind, seemed to be the echo of an ancient world brought momentarily to life. Javier, with the insight of a historian, quickly linked the information together. “So the closing of the station, the marks on the ground… wouldn’t they be…?”

Mateo nodded gravely. “A failed experiment. Something escaped that night, something that shouldn’t exist. The station was officially closed due to ‘obsolescence’, but the truth is that it would become a tomb of secrets, in an attempt to erase the traces of that nonsense.”

The resolution of the enigma

As they were digesting Mateo’s story, a series of noises emerged from the deepest recesses of the station. The reality was beyond the wildest urban legends; it was not just the echo of a forgotten experiment, but the tangible presence of something much older and more real. Laura and Javier followed the sounds, with a mixture of fear and fascination, until they reached an old, lonely freight car.

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