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White Fang by Jack London

Introduction He learned only about hate. Nobody gave him love, so he did not learn about that. A young wolf, White Fang, is born near the Mackenzie River, in north-west...

The Fisherman and his Soul by Oscar Wilde

Chapter One The Mermaid Every evening the fisherman went out fishing. He sometimes sold his fish at the market. Sometimes he did not catch many fish and he could not sell...

The Silver Swans by Gallico Paul

Chapter One ‘I’ don’t think that I’ve ever been in love.’ She stopped for a minute and then she continued: ‘How will I know?’ My...

The Star Child by Oscar Wilde

Chapter One The Baby One winter night in a big forest of pine trees, two woodcutters were walking home. It was very, very cold and there was snow on the ground. The trees...

Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Introduction “You don’t want me!” cried the child suddenly. “You don’t want me because I’m not a boy! Oh, what shall I do?”...

Walkabout By James Vance Marshall

Introduction The bush boy walked alone. He was on his walkabout. He had to live in the desert alone for six months. He had to find food and water. He had to kill animals...

The Young King by Oscar Wilde

Chapter One The Old King’s Secret There was once an old King. He had no son to be King when he died. His people were very worried. “Who will be the next...

Good luck or bad luck?

A long time ago an old man lived in a small village in the mountains, in the middle of China. He had a son that he loved very much, but this son was a student in a city...

Unlimited Potential: The Inspiring Journey of Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach

Over and above the many constraints of the world we find ourselves in, the story of Jonathan Livingstone Seagull stands as an incredible representation of the infinite...