Our most beautiful fairy tales

Wonderful and fascinating stories, in all forms and for all ages! A quick overview of the Gallimard Jeunesse collections that give pride of place to fairy tales .

The fairy tale repertoire is the one that parents often draw on first to start telling stories to their children. From birth, tales offer a first contact with the world of the wonderful story and allow a first sensory approach to the book object. Not to mention the voice-over of the text when read by parents, which plays a major role in the child’s learning of vocabulary.

“The repetitions of tales (or stories read) thus have a curative effect and give the child confidence, because the child hero always succeeds in overcoming trials and triumphing.”
Sophie Van der Linden – All about children’s literature

Fairy tales and their legendary heroes therefore have a lot to offer to awaken children’s imaginations, and it is for this reason that the publishing world is constantly renewing them and presenting them in varied, attractive, and fun formats.

From 1 year old

A first sensory approach the audiobook
What could be more logical for stories, a repertoire from orality, than to be presented in an audio version?

Thanks to the “Mes petits images sonores” collection, toddlers from 1 year old can discover the most famous fairy tales in abridged and accessible versions, mischievously illustrated by talented artists such as Marion Billet or Olivier Tallec.
They just have to press the sound chips to hear sound effects and music, which continue the enchantment of the story.
Find in the “Mes petits imagiers sonores” collection: The Little Mermaid, Goldilocks, Robin Hood, Thumbelina.

Later, from the age of 3, the “My Little Sound Tales” collection lets them enjoy a more detailed story with around ten musical excerpts and/or musical animations.
Find in the “My Little Sound Tales” collection: The Three Little Pigs, Cinderella, Puss in Boots, Aladdin, Peter and the Wolf, and Little Red Riding Hood.

From 3 years old

In nursery school, softcover albums are everyday companions. The essential “Story Time” collection (that of the famous titles Gruffalo, Peter Rabbit, The Prince of Motordu, etc.) offers many classic fairy tales in their original version, punctuated by neat illustrations that immerse the child in these fascinating stories.
Albums to take everywhere, to immerse yourself at any time in your favorite story.

Find in this collection: Peter and the Wolf, Little Red Riding Hood, Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, Rapunzel, The Ugly Duckling, Puss in Boots, Toand m Thumb.

From 4 years old Fairy tales

revisited in animated books The tale also takes another form, that of the animated book. With the new collection “My Tales to Unfold”, children from 4 years old discover modern and humorous (but no less magical!) versions of fairy tales, revisited by the children’s writer Philippe Lechermeier. A new playground to marvel endlessly!

Find in this collection: Puss in Boots, Jack and the Beanstalk, Tom Thumb, The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids, The Ugly Duckling, The Princess and the Pea, Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Three Little Pigs, Hansel and Gretel.

From 6 years old

The pleasure of reading alone
The older ones are not left out! From 6 years old, fairy tales remain the stories of choice to start reading alone in primary school.
The collection “Folio Cadet, les classiques” offers many titles recommended by the National Education for cycle 2 (CP, CE1, and CE2), to discover essential texts from the children’s literary heritage that have amazed us for generations.

Find in this collection: TheTrue Storyy of the 3Little Pigs, the Little Mermaid, Hansel and Gretel, Cinderella or the Little Glass Slipper, Sleeping Beauty, Bluebeard, Beauty and the Beast, Mr. Seguin’s Goat.

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