Bettelheim’s Fairy Tales A Valuable Guide for Parents

Contrary to popular belief, fairy tales do not traumatize young children. On the contrary, they respond precisely to their anxieties by informing them of the trials to come and the efforts to be made. This is the postulate of this major work in which Bettelheim enlightens us on the therapeutic function of these tales for children up to puberty.

This book is abundantly illustrated with examples taken from a timeless heritage, from “A Thousand and One Nights” to the Brothers Grimm, from “Cinderella” to “Snow White” and “Sleeping Beauty”.

As parents, let’s look at these fairy tales differently. They offer our children a chance to better understand themselves in the complex world in which they will have to live.

Do you have these kinds of parental thoughts and concerns about fairy tales?

impact on moral development

Can Fairy Tales Teach Children the Difference Between Good and Evil?

How can stories of violence and fear affect children?

Impact on emotion management

Can fairy tales help children deal with emotions, such as fear, anger, and sadness?

How can characters and situations in fairy tales help children understand their feelings?

Impact on the development of imagination

Can fairy tales stimulate children’s imagination and creativity?

How can fairy tales help children develop symbolic thinking?

Impact on the parent 

Can fairy tales be a tool for bonding between parents and children?

How can fairy tales be used to address sensitive topics with children?

Bruno Bettelheim’s book, “Psychoanalysis of Fairy Tales,” offers valuable insight into these questions. Bettelheim explores the symbolism hidden in fairy tales and explains how they can help children face life’s universal challenges.

With Bruno Bettelheim, let’s explore the lessons that you, as parents, can learn from fairy tales. By understanding the profound messages contained in these stories, you can use fairy tales to promote the healthy and happy development of your children.

In addition to the concerns listed above, you may also have questions about:

The appropriate age to introduce certain fairy tales

The Best Way to Tell Fairy Tales to Children

How to Choose Fairy Tales That Suit Each Child’s Needs and Interests

The rest of this article that you are about to read will also address these questions and provide you with practical advice. I hope that it will allow you to better understand the benefits of fairy tales and use them as a valuable tool for the education and development of your children.


In the world we live in, far from everyday worries and responsibilities, there is a parallel universe populated by enchanted kingdoms, evil witches, and valiant princes. A place where stories take place that seem, at first glance, unrealistic but that have a deep hidden meaning. This is the world of fairy tales, a refuge that our children cherish and that we, as parents, must not neglect.

Who better to understand the value of these stories than Bruno Bettelheim, a renowned psychoanalyst, a dedicated educator, and, above all, a lover of myths and the imaginary? In his best-selling book “Psychoanalysis of Fairy Tales”, Bettelheim invites us to rediscover these traditional stories not only as playful educational tools but also as initiators of discussions that are crucial for understanding oneself and the world around children.

As we explore together the nuggets of wisdom he left behind, I invite you to keep an open mind, understand the nuances of fairy tales, and discover how to unlock their true power for child development.

Why are fairy tales so important?

Delving into Bettelheim’s work, one quickly understands that fairy tales are not just simple stories to put children to sleep.

What they contain is a world of ideas, moral dilemmas, values, ​​and dreams, all wrapped up in vivid images and memorable characters.

As Bettelheim says, “Fairy tales don’t tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed.”

It’s a way of explaining that these stories give children the power to overcome their fears and anxieties, whether real or imaginary.

Fairy Tales and Child Development

For Bettelheim, fairy tales were much more than just stories.

They were a way for children to navigate the tumults of life, their emotions, and their thoughts.

By identifying with the characters in the stories, children learn to assimilate essential values ​​such as courage, loyalty, sincerity, and altruism.

Most importantly, they are encouraged to understand and accept their unique identity and place in the world.

Bettelheim, an expert on the dynamics of the unconscious

By carefully examining these stories, Bruno Bettelheim has discerned valuable tools for understanding children’s inner hells and the darkest aspects of their development. Fairy tales, he argues, are not mere entertainment. They titillate and shape the deepest aspects of the child’s unconscious.

Why do we tell fairy tales?

As we delve into Bettelheim’s work, it becomes clear that fairy tales are not just bedtime stories. They contain a range of ideas, from moral dilemmas to values ​​and dreams, all wrapped up in vivid imagery and fantastical characters. As Bettelheim pointed out, “fairy tales tell children that dragons can be slain.” In other words, they assure children that they can overcome their fears and anxieties.

Tips for Parents Stories for Specific Ages and Situations

Going beyond the theoretical level, Bettelheim also offers practical tools for integrating fairy tales into our children’s education. For example, he recommends telling fairy tales that are appropriate for the child’s age and maturity, avoiding rushing the stages of their development.

Let your child discover and understand the moral of the story for themselves, instead of giving them a given interpretation.

Every child is unique.

The approach to fairy tales must therefore be adapted accordingly.

As a parent, it is essential to tailor Bettelheim’s advice to your child. Not all fairy tales are suitable for all children. The appropriate age for each fairy tale may vary.

Chicos’ stuffed animals, an extension of fairy tales

Les Chicos de France, the official partner of the Little Mouse, shares the spirit of Bettelheim by offering a series of soft toys designed to accompany the development of your children. Each Chico comes with a unique story, bringing the world of fairy tales to your child’s fingertips.

They offer an enriching interaction for children with the great tradition of fairy tales. Each plush toy has a pocket on its back to store the child’s baby teeth, reinforcing the tradition of the Tooth Fairy. Each Chico is thus an irreplaceable friend for your child, he will help him through worrying times and bring comfort and fun at every stage of his development. This is what makes each Chico so precious.

Drawn from the love and experience of the founders, Sandrine and Céline, each Chico is intended to transform tooth loss into a joyful and magical adventure for your child.

Do you see the connection with Bettelheim? This period of tooth loss can be a very worrying time for a child, but with a Chico by their side, they will be able to identify more easily with their own experience, while having fun.

Don’t wait! To experience the Chicos and enter the world of fairy tales, visit our online store as well as the Chicos tales .


Our children carry within them the potential to become princes and princesses, wizards and witches, heroes and heroines.

Thanks to this valuable book, Bettelheim’s “Psychoanalysis of Fairy Tales,” we can better understand how these stories help them navigate the often confusing waters of childhood.

As parents, we need to cultivate our children’s fertile imaginations, and fairy tales are one of the best tools to do this.

So let’s use fairy tales to raise braver, more empathetic, more resilient children.

This is the precious gift that Bruno Bettelheim left us, a precious guide for you, parents, in the great adventure of educating your children.

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