Singing teacher my guide to success

Singing teacher, vocal coach, vocal technique trainer… There are so many titles that are given to professionals whose goal is to accompany you on the path to discovering your voice. Learning to sing is, first of all, finding how your musical instrument is composed and how to operate it. A singing teacher will be able to pass on his knowledge to you, he will be your guide in learning the different vocal, muscular, and respiratory techniques.

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Singing teacher vs. vocal coach what’s the difference?

Do you need a singing teacher or vocal coach?

Most people do not make a good distinction between these two functions and confuse singing teacher and vocal coach… Their practices are indeed similar, however, some subtleties allow you to differentiate them. Here are some explanations that will help you choose the right formula to be able to work on your voice according to your profile and your needs.

Singing teacher’s comprehensive, continuous teaching

Learning to sing is like learning to play a musical instrument. You must first tame it to know all its subtleties, then work on your scales and playing technique to create automatisms.

A singing teacher will offer you ongoing training to enable you to integrate the different techniques that makeup singing:

  • Breathing
  • Ear and accuracy
  • Rhythmic placement
  • The mechanisms of the voice
  • Vocal technique (head voice, chest voice, vibrato, timbre, etc.)
  • Interpretation (intonations, emotions, tone color, etc.)

The singing teacher is first and foremost a teacher, his role is to teach you all the basics of singing.

Vocal coach preparation and targeted work

Vocal coaching is targeted work done in preparation for a project such as a concert or an audition. Whether you are preparing for the casting of The Voice or a concert of your compositions, you will certainly need a vocal coach to work on certain aspects of your voice and advise you in the preparation of your project.

Originally, the mission of the vocal coach, who can also be your singing teacher, is to support artists who have already acquired the basics of singing towards the optimization of their vocal abilities. It is a work of vocal coaching and interpretation which targets specific aspects such as:

  • Emotional interpretation
  • stage expression
  • Stress and voice management
  • Managing vocal effects like vibrato or vibes

Unlike singing lessons, this individual work can be done over a short period or until the lessons are integrated by the singer. If you have a specific point to work on, whether you are a singer or not, vocal coaching is for you!

The decisive role of the singing teacher

The mission of the singing teacher is to build your “voice instrument” using their teaching tools to help you progress. You will first become aware of the extent of your voice and then you will develop its capacities. This is in-depth work that requires regular monitoring. In practice, a good singing teacher is also a vocal coach. The difference is rather about the objectives they help you achieve. With the help of a good singing teacher, you might be surprised at the potential hidden in your vocal instrument.

If you want to learn to sing in tune and position your voice, join a class with a real singing teacher. This class can be group or individual, but be aware that the acquisition of vocal techniques will be done mainly individually. Group classes will be more focused on interpretation and sharing. In addition, you must understand that all these basics and techniques that your singing teacher must teach you cannot be learned in a few hours!

Singing teacher A method and pedagogy

It is important to find the right singing teacher or vocal coach to be properly supervised for a perfect evolution of the learning of this art. A single singing lesson will not be of much use especially if you are a beginner. Vocal learning requires a methodology and a pedagogy that extends over the long term to be effective. Singing lessons must allow you to learn all the basics, from good breathing to good mastery of notes. All this goes through different stages of understanding your musical instrument: the voice, and through regular practice to learn to control it.

Singing lessons allow you to learn to sing well and to master vocal techniques of course, but not only that… Singing is also a way to have fun, to express your emotions. Singing lessons also offer the opportunity to learn to discover yourself and to know your body better. Singing is a complete activity that combines the physical and the emotional, it is a world of sensations…

How do I find my singing teacher?

A good singing teacher does not just teach his method, he also transmits his know-how and supports you in the realization of yourself, taking into account the physical and emotional dimensions. The most important thing is to find a singing teacher whose learning methodology and pedagogy suit you. There are as many methods and ways of teaching as there are singing teachers.

The idea is, first of all, to identify your needs. Are you a beginner or not? Do you want to sing lyrical or contemporary music? Are you looking for singing lessons for leisure and well-being or professional training? Do you prefer strict and academic teaching or more fun and adaptable learning?

So many questions that you will have to ask yourself to be able to direct your search according to what suits you. Also, beware of the fake singing teacher and the real charlatan who promises you the moon but has no real skills as a singing teacher! These scammers could do you much more harm than good by giving you bad technical instructions which could damage your vocal instrument.

Online lessons  my singing teacher at home

Thanks to the advent of online singing lessons, even those on a tight budget and those who don’t have the time can have a singing teacher at home… Indeed, thanks to online training, it is now possible to have real lessons with a singing teacher from home. The advantage of this practice, besides the price, is that you have the possibility of following a complete training course with your singing teacher on video. In addition, you can learn at your own pace and, depending on the training sites, access it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

When the singing teacher invites himself into other professional environments

Today, the vocal coach and singing teacher do not only work in artistic circles. They also address a “non-initiated” audience and are also developing in other professional circles.

The singing teacher becomes a coach for

  • Learn how to manage your stress before a presentation or public speaking
  • Learn to manage your breathing to avoid losing your voice (especially in teaching)
  • Choosing the right voice intonation and managing your speech rate
  • Avoiding voice loss (especially in education)
  • Using Emotional Language in a Speech or Presentation

All professions working with the public can benefit from personalized vocal coaching. This support is now highly sought after by teaching and communication professionals (speakers, press officers, public relations officers, customer service representatives, etc.)

The singing teacher becomes a therapist to

  • Working on self-image and self-confidence
  • Overcoming shyness and daring to express yourself
  • Supporting people with difficulty expressing emotions (Autism, violence)
  • Stimulate and energize using singing and musical instruments (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, senility)

Art therapy is a field in which many singing teachers are trained. Indeed, these techniques of support and psychological and emotional development that use all forms of art are increasingly used. This form of therapy that uses music and singing, among others, demonstrates excellent results both with a general public like everyone else, as well as with a public requiring greater attention and care.

In conclusion

A good singing teacher is above all a professional who has a good reputation and whose qualities and skills are recognized. So don’t hesitate to talk about it around you and look at reviews on the internet.

The best teacher is above all the one who suits you and whose methods and pedagogy speak to you. Your singing teacher must put you at ease, be attentive, and adapt to your needs.

As I suggest to my future students, it is common to be able to, first of all, do a trial before registering for singing lessons. And even if you opt to purchase training with an online singing teacher, it is not uncommon to benefit from a free trial or a money-back guarantee. Tell yourself that this is often a guarantee of seriousness for the courses offered.

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