6 Effective Learning Techniques to Help Your Child Succeed

Surely you want to provide your child with the best tools to succeed in their academic and personal life, right?

I know it

And that’s why in this article, I’m taking you to the heart of 6 effective learning methods or techniques for home, which will allow your child to succeed in their studies brilliantly and with much less effort.

From learning through peer teaching to active learning to using multi-sensory techniques, you’ll discover practical approaches to making learning exciting and effective for your child.

1. Learn by teaching other people

Teaching-by-teaching is a powerful learning method that involves encouraging your child to explain what they have learned to someone else, whether it is a parent, a friend, or even… a stuffed animal.

By teaching someone else, or something else, your child reinforces his or her understanding of the subject, because he or she must clarify his or her ideas and express them clearly and concisely.

This stimulates his critical thinking and develops his communication skills.

You’ll be surprised how much this approach can make learning easier for any child, deepening their knowledge and building their confidence.

2. Role plays and scenarios

Kids love to play, so why not incorporate learning into their games?

Role-playing and scenarios are fantastic tools for illustrating complex concepts in an engaging and fun way.

For example, if your child is studying history, organize a role-playing game where he or she steps into the shoes of a historical figure and relives important events.

Not only will this help him understand the story better, but it also helps develop his social and emotional skills. Let his imagination run wild and watch him learn while having fun.

A technical term used to refer to integrating games into learning is called gamification.

3. The spaced repetition technique

This learning technique is also called by one of our coaches, the “ study sandwich.”

Repetition is an essential ingredient in consolidating long-term memory. And how it’s done can make all the difference.

The spaced repetition technique involves regularly reviewing learned material at increasingly longer intervals of time.

Rather than revising intensely for a short period, encourage your child to review the topics studied regularly. This will allow him to better assimilate the information and remember more easily what he has learned.

4. Active learning techniques

Active learning is about actively involving your child in their learning process.

According to Edgar Dale’s learning pyramid, active learning techniques, such as demonstrations and practice, improve retention significantly compared to passive learning techniques, such as lectures and reading.

So, encourage your child to ask questions, conduct their research, and participate actively in class.

When he is active in his learning, he develops his ability to think critically and solve problems. You can also organize family discussions on interesting topics to stimulate his curious mind.

5. Understanding rather than memorization

It is essential to encourage your child to go beyond simply memorizing facts. Encourage them to ask questions about the “why” behind the information they are learning.

Connect new concepts to pre-existing knowledge to make it easier to understand.

When a child truly understands the topics, he or she will be able to apply them creatively in different situations, rather than just repeating information mechanically.

6. Multisensory learning techniques

Every child has a learning style that they prefer or that works best for them. Some learn best by listening, others by reading or visualizing information, while others need hands-on activities to fully understand.

You need to combine tactile and kinesthetic approaches with visual and auditory approaches to strengthen and improve your child’s reading skills.

Encourage your child to use different effective learning methods, such as listening to educational podcasts, reading books, watching videos, and participating in hands-on experiments.

This multisensory approach to learning enhances information retention by engaging different learning channels in your brain.

Feel free to adapt these learning techniques to suit your child’s unique interests and needs, as personalizing their learning is how you can maximize their potential.

Tips to support your child’s learning at home

Want to get involved in your child’s academic and personal success, even with your busy schedule? Here are our tips to help you.

1. Create a stimulating learning environment

Set up a dedicated study space in a quiet, well-lit area. Limit distractions, such as electronic devices, during study sessions.

An environment that is conducive to concentration promotes your child’s productivity and focus on their studies.

2. Encourage curiosity through books (rather than WiFi)

Foster your child’s thirst for knowledge by providing them with interesting books, educational toys, and enriching activities. When they are curious, they are more likely to explore new topics and learn independently.

3. Provide constructive feedback

When correcting your child’s mistakes, focus on what can be improved rather than what has been done. Celebrate their progress and encourage them to continue learning and improving.

A positive and caring environment encourages your child’s confidence and self-esteem.

4. Establish a learning routine

Create a work routine and a regular schedule for learning, including regular breaks. A routine helps build discipline and keeps your child motivated to study consistently.

Invest time and energy in his education, and you will be rewarded with the remarkable progress he will make.


By using these effective learning techniques and adopting tips to support your child’s learning at home, you can truly open the doors to academic and personal success for them.

Learning through teaching, role-playing and simulations, spaced repetition, active learning, comprehension, and multi-sensory learning methods are valuable tools that promote a child’s intellectual growth and development.

So, start putting these effective learning techniques into practice today and support your child on this exciting journey of knowledge and success.

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